CookieFirst as Cookie Consent Management Platform

Cookie management in line with GDPR, ePrivacy and LGPD regulations

CookieFirst as a Cookie Consent Management Platform

CookieFirst as Consent Management Platform for cookie consent

Consent Management Platforms or CMPs have been around for a while and have become increasingly important in the run-up to the introduction of the European GDPR legislation and other extraterritorial data protection laws such as ePrivacy, CCPA and LGPD.

Regarding the GDPR, each European country translates the EU legislation into its own local laws and regulations. In the Netherlands, for example, this is the Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG). In Germany, it is the Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) and in France, Spain and Italy, the RGPD is used as an abbreviation. Broadly speaking, the regulations are followed at the European level.
However, each country interprets, ratifies and enforces the EU directives in its own way. So there are differences between the final exact rules per EU country. The world of privacy legislation is constantly changing and evolving.

Part of the GDPR legislation includes ruling with regard to the use of cookies and third party tracking on websites. In general, this is also called cookie consent regulations. A lot of functionality within websites is based on cookies, small files that are stored in the user’s browser to support certain website functions, such as use of a shopping basket in a webshop, or storing the preferred language of a particular user. But they are also used for advertising purposes, such as retargeting, so that a website visitor can be confronted with an advertisement again at a later date. In short, cookies can have all kinds of purposes. And what we now also have to take into account is the usage of Google Analytics GDPR wise.


Before the cookie laws became more strict, you would only see a simple cookie notice on websites. In order to comply with the new regulations, cookie consent management platforms were created with which you can manage tracking scripts, cookies and user consent. Cookiebot was thus one of the first CMPs. But soon other systems like CookieYes, Iubenda, Usercentrics, Didomi, Osano and CookiePro followed. And also plugins like the Borlabs Cookie plugin.
In the beginning, the cookie banners were difficult to customize in terms of style. Which then often resulted in an ‘ugly’ cookie banner on a nicely designed website. In addition, these cookies banners and cookie panels caused to load slower or slow down website loadtime. Consent management platforms were still in their early days, so there was still a lot to gain in order to meet the requirements and wishes of the website administrator and those of the user. Not to mention the user interface of managing these systems.

There was a large demand among digital agencies for a consent management tool that is easy to use and implement, that leaves website performance intact as much as possible and in which the banners can be easily adjusted and styled so that they integrate nicely with the website on which they are installed. It prompted the need to build a new cookie consent management system, and with that the idea for CookieFirst was born.

CookieFirst is a cloud based SaaS solution for cookie consent. CookieFirst aims to provide an all-in-one consent management platform that remains simple to manage but allows websites to be compliant in a user-friendly way.

The CookieFirst tool offers an automatic cookie policy generator. The cookie scanner analyses your website and generates a list of cookies that are used. A generated cookie policy is a good addition if you already use a privacy policy generator.

Some of the main functionalities include:

  • Third party script management
  • An automated cookie scan
  • An automatically updated cookie policy
  • Consent audit trails (to provide proof of consent)
  • Cookie banner configuration, styling and advanced customization
  • In 40+ languages (at the time of writing)
  • Consent statistics
  • Javascript API to connect your own custom banner
  • Re-consent for marketing purposes (get higher opt in rates)
  • WordPress Cookie Consent plugin and other integrations
  • Offering React Cookie Consent and compatibility with other web technologies like Angular

CookieFirst also offers an integration with Google Tag Manager and Google Consent Mode. You can use the CookieFirst GTM template from the Community Template Gallery to quickly set up your implementation. From March 2024 it Google requires integration of Google Consent Mode v2 when using Google services like Google Analytics and conversion tracking on a website. Google’s gatekeeper role under the European Digital Markets Act (DMA) obligated Google to introduce this new version of Google Consent Mode.

And there are still many other features added to the roadmap. In addition, of course, there is a constant need to respond to the ever-changing regulations in the various countries and regions. The CookieFirst consent management platform is therefore continuously adapted and being kept up-to-date.

Do you want to know more about what internet cookies are? Then read the following guide; What are cookies?

CookieFirst also offers a reseller model and an affiliate program. This might be interesting for companies in various sectors. One may think of web developers, web agencies, and online marketing agencies, but one may also think of companies offering services in the field of privacy and compliance, such as data protection officers (DPOs / DPO as a Service companies), privacy experts, and privacy lawyers. View here the website of


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