• Cookie Consent

    What is a cookie policy and why do you need one?

    by Tom

    Web browser cookies are essential for providing personalization, enabling websites to remember user preferences, and can help improve the customer experience. However, there are potential privacy and security risks. Cookie policies play a big role in ensuring users’ data is handled responsibly and in accordance with the law.

  • Cookie Consent
    Shopify Cookie Consent by CookieFirst CMP

    Shopify and Cookie Consent

    by Tom

    This article will discuss the potential risks of using Shopify with EU consumers and how to mitigate them using our Shopify Cookie Consent solution.

  • GDPR

    CookieFirst as a Cookie Consent Management Platform

    by Tom

    Consent Management Platforms or CMPs have been around for a while and have become increasingly important in the run-up to the introduction of the European GDPR legislation and other extraterritorial data protection laws such as ePrivacy, CCPA and LGPD.